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Brain stem
Brain stem Cerebellum Fourth ventricle
Brain stem audiometry
Brain stem herniation
Brain stem respiratory centre function
Of brain

Vertaling van "Brain stem herniation " (Engels → Nederlands) :

Compression | Herniation | of brain (stem)

compressievan hersenen of hersenstam | herniatievan hersenen of hersenstam

A rare genetic leukodystrophy disorder with characteristics of diffuse hypomyelination in the supratentorial brain white matter, brain stem and spinal cord. Patients usually present nystagmus, lower limb spasticity, hypotonia and motor developmental

hypomyelinisatie met betrokkenheid van hersenstam en ruggenmerg en beenspasticiteit

brain stem | brainstem

caudex cerebri | crura cerebri | hersenstam

Brain stem respiratory centre function

functie van respiratoir centrum van hersenstam

Brain stem Cerebellum Fourth ventricle

cerebellum | hersenstam | vierde ventrikel

datacenter (1): (

'Brain stem herniation' ->

Date index: 2022-02-02