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Child psychology
Cognitive psychophysiology
Difficulty in swallowing
Educational psychology
Hypertonic-atonic dysphagia
Prison psychology
Psychological aspects
Psychophysiologic dysphagia
Sideropenic dysphagia
Social psychology

Vertaling van "Psychophysiologic dysphagia " (Engels → Nederlands) :

cognitive psychophysiology | psychophysiology


A form of cerebral palsy with characteristics of congenital pseudobulbar (suprabulbar) paresis manifesting as selective weakness of the lips, tongue and soft palate, dysphagia, dysphonia, drooling and jaw jerking. Mean age at diagnosis is 6 years. Th

congenitale suprabulbaire parese

A rare cardiovascular morphological anomaly due to maldevelopment of embryonal aorta resulting in right aortic arch and left ligamentum arteriosum characterized by tracheoesophageal compression symptoms (stridor, dyspnea, dysphagia, apneic episodes,

anomalie van Neuhauser

psychology [ child psychology | educational psychology | prison psychology | psychophysiology | social psychology | Psychological aspects(ECLAS) ]

psychologie [ gevangenispsychologie | kinderpsychologie | ontwikkelingspsychologie | psychofysiologie | sociale psychologie ]

dysphagia | difficulty in swallowing

dysfagie | slikstoornis

hypertonic-atonic dysphagia

hypertonische-atonische dysfagie

datacenter (1): (

'Psychophysiologic dysphagia' ->

Date index: 2024-04-05