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Inner ear hearing loss

Vertaling van "inner ear hearing loss " (Engels → Nederlands) :


Syndrome with characteristics of moderate to profound hearing loss in both ears and severe nearsightedness (high myopia). The hearing loss may be described as sensorineural or it may be caused by auditory neuropathy. The hearing loss is either presen

syndroom van perceptief gehoorverlies en hoge myopie

A rare genetic multiple congenital anomalies syndrome with characteristics of second branchial arch anomalies (branchial cysts and fistulae), malformations of the outer, middle and inner ear associated with sensorineural, mixed or conductive hearing

branchio-otisch syndroom
It has the objectives of providing fundamental knowledge about the development and function of the inner ear, and identifying the molecular defects underlying hereditary hearing impairments.

Het project heeft ten doel zorg te dragen voor basiskennis over de ontwikkeling en het functioneren van het binnenoor, en vast te stellen welke moleculaire defecten ten grondslag liggen aan erfelijke slechthorendheid.

BIONIC EAR looks into ways of repairing the inner ear whose hair cells are damaged by trauma, antibiotics or ageing, thus resulting in an irreversible hearing impairment, which affects more than 10 percent of the population.

BIONIC EAR zoekt naar middelen tot herstelling van het binnenoor waarvan de haarcellen zijn beschadigd door trauma, antibiotica of veroudering, hetgeen leidt tot een onomkeerbare gehoorstoornis, die meer dan 10 percent van de bevolking treft.

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