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CT with maximum intensity projection
Flood crest
Flood peak
Flood summit
Maximum computed flood
Maximum intensity of flood
Maximum probable flood
Momentary flood peak
Peak flood

Vertaling van "maximum intensity flood " (Engels → Nederlands) :

flood crest | flood peak | flood summit | maximum intensity of flood | momentary flood peak | peak flood


CT with maximum intensity projection

CT met maximale intensiteitsprojectie

maximum probable flood

hoogste waarschijnlijke waterstand
Maximum aid intensity: The co-financing covers 40 % of the expenditure on insurance premiums to insure agricultural crops against damage from hail, fire, lightning, late frost, hurricane and flood.

Maximale steunintensiteit: De cofinanciering dekt 40 % van de uitgaven voor verzekeringspremies om landbouwgewassen te beschermen tegen schade door hagelstormen, branden, blikseminslag, late vorst, orkanen of overstromingen.

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'maximum intensity flood' ->

Date index: 2023-06-15